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Hiring an attorney proves one is incompetent

Ye already have counsel - ask and ye shall receive:

Protection of Fair Use: UPU Disclaimer and Copyright:

From the journal of KEITH ORLAND LITTLE FBU:
Issued by Keith: 

Keith is the flesh and blood image and likeness of Jesus Christ who is surety for the manual motivator of the living soul with a prior spiritual guidance to walk with him souly:
Made in good faith, with considerable conscious thought and observance and, in seeking providence of our creators grace:

Rigor Juris: [Strictly law]

This original literary work of our declaration in opinion is not transmitted through the mails of the United States, but delivered through the post-office and/or its routing systems consisting of the World Wide Web et. al.

Non-Domestic and without the United States:

No letters of incorporation recorded or filed or registered: 

Produced with the following; and hereby adopted for ratification and enforcement If needed:
UPU [Universal Postal Union] Disclaimer and Copyright justifying all sources within their public domain known as the Union and only known to be a territory in fact and not in nature: 

Anyone may use or reproduce any information presented on this website, subject to any specific terms of use that might appear with such information, provided that the use of such information is accompanied by an acknowledgement that the UPU is the source.
The UPU makes every effort to ensure, but cannot and does not guarantee, and makes no warranties as to, the accuracy, accessibility, integrity and timeliness of any information presented on this website. The UPU assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of this website and further disclaims any liability of any nature for any loss howsoever caused in connection with using this website, including failure of performance, computer virus or communication line failure, regardless of cause, or for any damages resulting therefrom. The UPU may make changes to these materials at any time without notice.
Hyperlinks to other websites are provided as a convenience only, and imply neither responsibility for, nor approval of, the information contained in those other web sites on the part of the UPU. The UPU makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the accuracy, availability, reliability or content of such information, text, graphics and hyperlinks. The UPU has not tested any software located on other sites and does not make any representations as to the quality, safety, reliability or suitability of such software.
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©2020 Universal Postal Union - All rights reserved.

None of the materials provided on this website may be used, reproduced or transmitted, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or the use of any information storage and retrieval system, except as provided for in this website (see the "Disclaimer" section), without permission in writing from the UPU or the publisher concerned.
Access to databases of the UPU for consultation of documents and/or information retrieval is permitted by the UPU subject to the user's acceptance of UPU's provisions and conditions of copyright contained within each document which obliges the user not to duplicate the document or parts thereof for distribution or sale external to the user's organization. Without prejudice to the foregoing obligations, such information may be utilized in the receiving organization, as required, to further the work of the UPU, to provide guidance for product or service development and implementation and to serve as support documentation associated with a product or service.

We support and adopt these notices in ministry and unity of freedom of transit pursuant to the sixteen-hundred-eleven version of the King James Bible at Psalms Chapter one-hundred-twenty-one in verse eight wherein it states: "The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore."




FREEDOM OF TRANSIT - KJV Bible: Psalms 121:8

(Note: Copy paste any links in this main post below to see sites)
Psalms 121:8
“The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.”

Everyting is a Custom Declaration upon entrance to a record:

Are you tired of "Data Collectors/Buyers/Sellers" using the data information system of Net-work Systems to abuse those who's data elements transit those systems...? 


Correcting the record shows what THEY HAVE ALREADY DONE WRONG: Those are the POINTS of law that APPLY to them and the Correction shows they DO NOT APPLY TO ONES SELF:

The Presumptions and Assumptions are explained here:

Literal fictions - Samuel Clemens, Mark Twain and Tom Sawyer are all fictions...

One is a Pronoun/Legal Fiction... Samuel Clemens:
one is a Noun Psuedonym/Literary Fiction... Mark Twain:
and the other is an Abstract Noun/Complete fiction... Tom Sawyer:

legal fiction


THAT "record" is a fiction of "summary" "opinions" only: No "final" "judgement": 

Ones self has the inherent legacy for ones yay and nay: Coin ones words or purse ye lips: 

Collaboration between The United States Department of the Treasury and INTERPOL:
The Hawala Alternative Remittance System and its Role in Money Laundering:

Hawala - Investopedia

What Is Hawala?

Hawala is an informal method of transferring money without any physical money actually moving. It is described as a "money transfer without money movement." Another definition is simply "trust."

What Is a Wire Transfer? How it Works, Safety, and Fees

Money Laundering: What It Is and How to Prevent It: Learn how the prevention of money laundering has become an international effort:

Hawala Charts,online_chips:remittances:XTj7NieP0uk%3D,online_chips:cross+border:Ho-DQbcPZ2w%3D&rlz=1C1CHZN_enUS919US919&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjD-If4p9j2AhUEC80KHe1-A0kQ4lYoBnoECAEQLA&biw=1349&bih=625#imgrc=W8Rm8ArRbcBbJM

RemitScope Hawala Chart

National Cyber Awareness System    > Alerts

TA15-120A : Securing End-to-End Communications

Enterprise VPN Security

Top Routinely Exploited Vulnerabilities

Scammer Payback on YouTube - First exposure to the term "hawala"..

My Research Exposure Video:

Re-Statement of Separation:

Re-Statement of Separation as amended:


United States Bureau of Consular Affairs

United States Department of State
Instructions for Federal, State, and Local Law Enforcement and Other Officials Regarding
Foreign Nationals in the United States and the Rights of Consular Officials to Assist Them

Adjutant General of Iowa
Des Moines, IA
(515) 334-2700
Instructions for Arrests and Detentions of Foreign Nationals

Steps to Follow When a Foreign National Is Arrested or Detained in the U.S.


Re-statement of Separation and Notice of Amnesty:
[Originally posted publicly and approximately June of 2020 as follows ammended:]


Statement of Separation

I, formerly known as; Keith-Orland: menage; Konrardy-Little; and now known by; El-Hotepsekhemwy-Pero; do hereby make the following statement of separation from employment of trade or business, otherwise known as, performing the functions of public office within or without the Department of State of the United States information agencies and instrumental constructs... As used herein the term "employment" includes all periods of assignment or detail, as well as any periods temporary, part-time or intermittent employment therein, and the term "separation" includes any suspension for any period in excess of 30 days, retirement from commercial activities, entry into disability or pension programs of which benefits are guaranteed for prior consideration whether duly paid or as contributions...

1 ) I have in my possession only documents/instruments which I am allowed through prior consideration for actual benefit by and through equal rights among the laws and am NOT qualified to place liability in, on or for the public record...

2 ) I shall not publish, nor reveal to any person, any classified or administratively controlled information of which I have knowledge, or any other information transmitted to my-self in confidence in the course of any performance, contracts, leases, bids, awards, rewards etc. except as may be authorized by the officials of the employing Department or Agency empowered and conferred by Federal executive order granting permission to disclose such information...

3 ) I hereby advise all principles, agents, actors, participants, performers, interlopers, interveners, officious inter-meddlers etc. to heed the criminal penalties related to United States Government records, information and the use thereof as a matter of "national" importance...

Violations often committed but; not limited to; by officials (officers of the court); and participating agents not-learned in law...

5 U.S. Code § 552a - Records maintained on individuals
18 USC sections as follows:
641; Public money, property records...
793; Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information...
794; Gathering or delivering information to aid foreign government...
798; Disclosure of classified information...
952; Diplomatic codes and correspondence...
1905; Disclosure of confidential information generally...
2071; Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally...
17 CFR § 16.06 - Errors or omissions.
18 U.S. Code § 542 - Entry of goods by means of false statements
18 U.S. Code § 1512 - Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant
18 U.S. Code § 1028 - Fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents, authentication features, and information
18 U.S. Code § 1028A - Aggravated identity theft


42 US Code - sections as follows:
42 U.S. Code § 1983 - Civil action for deprivation of rights...
2272; Violation of specific sections...
2273; Violation of sections generally...
2274; Communication of Restricted Data...
2275; Receipt of Restricted Data...
2276; Tampering with Restricted Data...
2277; Disclosure of Restricted Data...

These violations lay wide the civil process of 42 US Code -1983; Civil action for deprivation of rights...

50 US Code - 783; sections as follows...
783(b) Receipt of, or attempt to receive, by foreign agent or member of Communist organization, classified information...
783(d) Limitation period...

In regards to employees, principles, agents, actors, performers, participants etc. these restrictions are consistent with and do not supersede, conflict with or otherwise alter the obligation, rights or liabilities of said persons, created by Executive Order 12356; section 7211 of Title 5 of the US Code(governing disclosure to Congress); section 1034 of Title 10 of the US Code, as amended by the Military Whistle-blower Act(governing disclosures of illegality, waste, fraud, abuse or public health or safety threats); the Intelligence Identity Protection Act of 1982 (50 US Code - 421 et. seq)(governing disclosures that could expose confidential Government agents); and the statutes that protect against disclosures that may compromise the national security, including but; not limited to; sections 641, 793, 794, 798 and 952 of Title 18 of the US Code, and section 4(b) of the Subversive Activities Act of 1950(50 US Code 783(b))... The definitions, requirements, obligations, rights, sanctions and liabilities created by said Executive Order and listed statutes are incorporated into this agreement and are controlling...

4 ) I reaffirm that the provisions of the espionage laws have been made available to said principles, agents, actors, performers, participants etc.; I have returned all necessary classified information to proper authorities; that I will not transmit, communicate, convey classified information to any unauthorized person(s) organization(s); that I will promptly report to the Federal Bureau of Investigation any attempt by unauthorized persons to solicit classified information with or without a security debriefing...

5 ) I am aware that Title 18 of the US Code, section 1001 provides criminal penalties for knowingly and willingly falsifying or concealing material facts in statement or document submitted to any agency of the United States Government concerning a matter under it's jurisdiction...

6 ) It is hereby noticed at Article 15 and Article 38 and Article 139 [not all inclusive] of the Lieber Code that there exists a natural amnesty between the United States, the States of the Union and the men naturally born unto the land as true heirs of the very breath of life that makes those men living souls: [KJV - Genesis 2:7] This is the inheritance of the Lord and the righteousness thereof is of the Lord: [KJV - Isaiah 54: 1-17] This is so we may redeem that which may be lost: [KJV - Leviticus 25:23-25] This will is accomplished by earning ones daily bread: [KJV - Matthew 6:9-13] This daily bread is earned in-voice and is a tribute with others in the name of Jesus for ones faith in our Fathers will: [KJV - Titus 3:8] This natural amnesty is to be passed unto the nations which was known before such nations were formed: [KJV - Jeremiah 1:5 and Hosea 4:6] Because we did not know many such things in the past we have come to know the err of our ways and repent for our par-taking in the indulgences of convenience: [KJV - Jeremiah 9:19] Therefor we re-cover from our mis-deeds and now walk with Him in peace throughout all His lands: [KJV - Ephesians 6:11-18]
In ministering His words of which we now use as our Holy Writs and in Jesus name we direct thee to: KJV John 1:1; wherein it is subscribed as follows: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." and KJV Psalm 33:9 wherein it is subscribed as follows: "For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast." and KJV - John 3:33 wherein it is subscribed as follows: "He that hath received his testimony hath set to his seal that God is true." and KJV - Proverbs 30:5-6 wherein it is subscribed as follows: "Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar." and KJV - Revelation 21:5 wherein it is subscribed as follows: "And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful." and KJV - Ecclesiastes 1:9 wherein it is subscribed as follows: "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."...

7 ) Intent of amnesty is established and recognized at original posting of Statement of Separation on Facebook on the twelth day of the the sixth month of the year of our Lord two-thousand-twenty a.d.:

8 ) Intent of amnesty is restated in the public domain as a second witness from our private point of origin at the following Public World Wide Web Internet site: A Publishing Platform for the world: With supportive abstract content of a consortium of sources from the same public domain:

9 ) Whereas the Minimum Standards for Birth Certificates are applicable to Department of Defense under 5 USC 301 - Departmental regulations:

10) Whereas the purpose of that authority is stated at 32 CFR Part 156 - DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE PERSONNEL SECURITY PROGRAM (PSP) and states the following:
This part updates policies and responsibilities for the DoD Personnel Security Program (PSP) consistent with E.O. 12968, as amended; E.O. 10450, as amended; E.O. 10865, as amended; E.O. 13526; E.O. 12829, as amended; E.O. 13467; E.O. 13488; E.O. 12333, as amended; 5 U.S.C. 301 and 7532; section 1072 of Public Law 110-181, as amended; 15 U.S.C. 278g-3; 40 U.S.C. 11331; 10 U.S.C. 1564; 32 CFR parts 147, 154 through 156; 50 U.S.C. 3343; 5 CFR parts 731, 731.101, 732 and 736; and HSPD-12.

11) Whereas the substance of the purpose stated in point 10; is at variance for matters of preclassification standards by enumeration at birth for fundamental differences in nature:

12) Whereas the cause of mistakes within the public record system relative to KEITH ORLAND LITTLE and other derivatives such as LITT as a Firm Name and presumed to be an (O)bligor by enumeration [See: 20 CFR § 422.402 - "You means an individual who owes a debt to the United States within the scope of this subpart."] would be my own accident as noted in 49 CFR 387.5:

13) Whereas the variances in the record reflect many inaccuracies, I forgive all mistakes and now require the record to be amended to its true correctness and which may require automatic and or mandatory declassification in accordance with 22 CFR § 9.9 - Declassification and downgrading.

14) Whereas the record will reflect that there has been a misdescription of a foreign national from the erred entry of Minimum Standards for Birth Certificates which is in itself in discord of 5 USC 301 and 32 CFR Part 156 - DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE PERSONNEL SECURITY PROGRAM (PSP)

15) Whereas supportive information can be found, and which is not all inclusive, at the following and is all relative to Declassification and should be NO ISSUE with Homeland Security Redress if one is competent to comprehend the "order" of "things"...

Also see:
40 CFR 403.13 - Environmental Protection:
42 U.S. Code Chapter 55 - NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY [42 U.S. Code § 4321 - Congressional declaration of purpose]
18 U.S. Code § 2265 - Full faith and credit given to protection orders...
Corporation means the Corporation for National and Community Service.
45 CFR § 2508.1
36 CFR Subpart A - National Forest System Land Management Planning

You have been given knowledge; please act accordingly...


                                                 Reverently: chaplain-keith:

Wyrd Weyes

Welcome to Wyrd Weyes! This may be your first step into learning the real origins of language or you may be well versed; please feel free to join in and be a part of the change and growth as we all get to know one another through observations of what is real and what is not...

In these forums; it is my hope that all will become more soccratic in contemplating their own existence by knowing we effect our own suffering and rewards. In this realization one should be able to extend their own knowledge far beyond what they thought capable! Ye are Gods!!! Act like it!

Jeremiah 1:5 - KJV...

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

No statutory "ordinance" or "like kind" Rule making" [See: Constitution of the United States of America, Article 1, Section 8, clause 14] can hold "sanctions" against us:
They are all in entirety for "persons":
Known by contract:


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        ╦╔╖╩╟│╩╩ -- ╞╕ -- ╦║╗╩ -- ╟│╦╖├╦ -- ╗╩ -- │ -- ═╗╞╛│╦╗╞├ -- ╞╕ -- ╦║╖ -- ╛│╬:

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╣╔│├╦╞╔/╦╔╠╩╦╖╖/┤╖├╖╕╗╡╗│╔╨; Keith-Orland: Menage; Konrardy-Little:

╣╔│├╦╖╖/╦╔╠╩╦╖╖; El Hotepsekhemwy Pero:

┤╖├╖╕╗╡╗│╔╗╖╩; ╛╖╣│╡╨ -- ║╖╗╔╩ -- ╞╕ -- ║╗╩ -- ╬╗╛╛:


Public notice to all people and peoples:

          The information contained in this book is absolute property of El Hotepsekhemwy Pero and may not be reproduced or copied in any manner under any circumstances without express permission from Keith-Orland:    Menage Konrardy-Little::

          This book is intended solely for use of Keith-Orland: Little: for guidance purposes in passing on the knowledge of His Wyrd; our father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; to the legacy heirs of His will in earth as it is in heaven:  Any law that does not originate from the Wyrd of our father which art in heaven now or in the future is hereby declared not-with-standing::

           Let my yea be my yea and my nay be my nay for evermore...

          Trespass of this patent is a violation of the law::

          Done in good faith, given with free-dom-of-patent::

Grantor/Trustee/Beneficary; Keith-Orland: Menage Konrardy-Little::

Grantee/Trustee; El Hotepsekhemwy Pero::

Beneficiaries; Legacy heirs of His will::

Suggested research/reading material:

Scripture - [my preference is KJV Bible: mine is a Bible of four translations; one of which is KJV] [ ]

Concise English Handbook - [ mine is; Hans P. Guth/4th ]

College Composition Handbook - [ mine is; Heath's College Handbook of Composition/7th ]

                    So, if the best way to advertise is wyrd
                  of mouth; then, please spread the Wyrd:

Peace and providence of grace:


El Hotepsekhemwy Pero:

KJV Bible: Hosea 4:6...
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

i: am I: as I-AM: and do hereby repent for my errs and or ommissions in commission of personage without knowledge:

It has come to my in-sight in recent observances that a declaration was; made around the time a man was born and given the breath of life and a calling of keith-orland of the family Konrardy; that misrepresented an owing of a debt to the United States: An impossibility to place upon a "newborn child": This is also a mis-identification as well because of the aforementioned fatality:

The "data elements" "imported" under 19 CFR 149.3 - [assigned number of the entity liable for payment of all duties and responsible for meeting all statutory and regulatory requirements incurred as a result of importation.] shows that the "importer" is the "liable party" which "assigned" the number: According to 20 CFR 422.103 the Birth Registration document: [We may enter into an agreement with officials of a State, including, for this purpose, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and New York City, to establish, as part of the official birth registration process, a procedure to assist us in assigning Social Security numbers to newborn children.]

It goes on to state at 20 CFR 422.104 that the "Who can be assigned a social security number." is a "you" or "your" [see 1 USC 1 - insanity] which is further defined specifically as "You means an individual who owes a debt to the United States within the scope of this subpart." at 20 CFR 422.402: In the Scope of "Employee Benefits" it would behoove one to think a new born child can be an Employee:

The next issue will hopefully quash any doubt in anyones mind as to the inherent wrongs being perpetrated because of lack of knowledge: It states in 20 CFR 422.103 Social security numbers. the following: "The individual's name and social security number identify the record so that the wages or self-employment income reported for or by the individual can be properly posted to the individual's record.": This specifically clarifies that the name and number "indentify the record" which belongs to the "importer of the record" for that is the party who has custody also: And again I remind "you" and "your" "contracting partners" "you" "all" are "individually" "liable" for "unconscionable" actions as men and can be seen as kidnapping of the children of Israel and making merchandise of them which imposes a penalty of death: Either we have all been doing things we ought not have been doing and need to repent and begin a fresh start or one is in fact operating in the conduct of wrongful intent:

Please forgive my-self for "entering" "data elements" in "err" as I forgive those who have then acted upon duties of mine own err: The number is that of the assigned entity liable which is in fact a record of information errently entered and thus must be corrected so the record reflects accurately:

I hereby give full acquittance and discharge in equal consideration and benefit to avoid further detriment:

Please see the following:
19 CFR § 10.215 - Filing of claim for preferential treatment.

19 CFR § 10.3026 - Verification and justification of claim for preferential tariff treatment.

19 CFR § 181.21 - Filing of claim for preferential tariff treatment upon importation.

50 U.S. Code § 4305 - Suspension of provisions relating to ally of enemy; regulation of transactions in foreign exchange of gold or silver, property transfers, vested interests, enforcement and penalties (b)(2)...
for all purposes of the obligation of the person making the same; and no person shall be held liable in any court for or in respect to anything done or omitted in good faith in connection with the administration of, or in pursuance of and in reliance on, this subdivision, or any rule, regulation, instruction, or direction issued hereunder.

Order to Redress: DoD: US DOS: Social Security Administration:
The Constructive Public Trust:

See: 31 USC 1321 at:

(73)Estate of decedents, Department of State, Trust Fund.

(74)Funds due Incompetent Beneficiaries, Department of Veterans Affairs. [Mom was 'informant' of the acceptance "in Formation of contract" - the first unconscionable acts that goes completely against reason and logic that neither mom or dad would ever do such a thing if they knew that was what is actually happening - take heed - people are getting to gain this same insight: I share it freely!!!]

(42)Salvage proceeds, American vessels

(51)Washington redemption fund.

I require the return of what is mine as His prodigal son... Give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give unto the Father that which belongs to the Father: I fear not for He has redeemed i and has called mine name - i am His:

Codex Key:

│ = A:    ┤= B:    ╡= C:    ╢= D:    ╖= E:    ╕= F:    ╣= G:    ║= H:    ╗= I:    ╝= J:    ╜= K:    ╛= L:    ╫= M:

├= N:    ╞= O:    ╟= P:    ╚= Q:    ╔ = R:    ╩ = S:    ╦ = T:    ╠ = U:    ═ = V:     ╬ = W:    ╧ = X:    ╨= Y:    ╤ = Z:

┼ = Patent

I'm unlicensed...

Cult of Personality ^^^^ Click me! ^^^^

Don't take it "personally"... Give it freely... 

Fair Use!

Two Codes, Two Rules, Done!!!

Jackie Paper

On paper, even your own name is nothing but a pen name: The real man is very much different:

Take the wind out of their sales:

EVERY "unjustifiable" intrusion...

"The right to be let alone the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men. To protect that right, every unjustifiable intrusion by the government upon the privacy of the individual, whatever the means employed, must be deemed a violation of the Fourth Amendment." Olmstead v. U.S., 277 U.S. 438, 478 (1928).

Destroying the Birth Certificate Ato Z:


Who can do what...? Plain writing...